YUP! Here we go again!
This is actually pretty rare for us..
I think between the 2 storms is more snow
that we have had in a few years combined!
They started with a 6-10 inch prediction
then it turned into 10-14
and now anywhere from 10-20 inches!
Will do another in the morning to see with more light!
and here it is!
White Christmas
aprox 7:45am Dec 25, 2009
You can see on the railing the build up is deeper
from Video 1 to Video 2
more to come in a few hours
Its not supposed to stop for 24-48 more hours!
This is 3 hours later - 10:45am
and the Christmas Egg!
last for today!
It's about 5pmish Christmas Day Just before Dark
It stopped snowing for a few hours but started up again!
The best thing about this White Christmas Storm of 2009
I volunteered to work Christmas Eve and Day
but guess what - they had to close the office because of all the snow!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS from Mother Nature to PIXIE!!