Friday, January 1, 2010

It's in the air ...

Perhaps it's the full moon. Maybe it's that it was a blue moon. And of course we can't forget ringing in the New Year 2010. This year will be the end of a decade. This New Year also marks a monumental 10 yr anniversary of entering the year 2000. Some called it the new millennium ( though really that was 2001 ) - anyways hehe .. I came upon this thought this evening as I spent my New Years Day on twitter. My 2009 new found addiction since my chat rooms closed a couple years ago.

I follow several hundred people and as the day grew later, more and more post were coming up about being lonely. Wishing they had some company, a partner. Wishing they would get more time and attention from friends, family, loved ones. Many posted about having a bad 1st day of the New Year. Some even posted they felt selfish about it.

What is it about today that would make so many feel that way. It made me think. I guess it comes about with all this New Years Resolution stuff. We are focusing out thoughts, at the persistence of those around us, to think about resolutions. What do we want to change and do in the next year to better ourselves. This of course makes us think about all the things we said we were going to do last year ...

and that lead me to the post I wrote in the first place today about making New Years Resolutions, and why we shouldnt do it, as it just sets us up for failure. You can read it HERE

hugs wishes and happiness for you all this coming new year ~

1 comment:

  1. There are things that I hope for, but I won't expect them nor will I make any promises to actually accomplish them, that doesn't mean I'm giving up, actually I'm working harder for my goals than if I had made them a resolution, I'm just not making unneccesary deadlines for them, its just too much pressure in an already unpredictable world.

    I'm not lonely, not totally anyhow, I mean I have my family whom I love dearly, I just wish I had some sort of social connections outside my livingroom.. I know my real friends are no further away than my bb or my PC if/when I need y'all, thats why my bb goes everywhere that I do.
